Tag: mediterranean food

Tasty Tomato Tart

Tasty Tomato Tart

Happy Friday and hooray for the weekend?!? Seriously, is anyone else totally confused about what day it is? At this point, aren’t the week and weekend running into one another? Minus the fact that I don’t have to work the weekends (not complaining here), they 

Kitchen sink polenta

Kitchen sink polenta

Hi there friends. Geeze…it’s been so long since I posted anything. You would have thought with this COVID 19 taking over our lives I would post more, but working from home’s got me blue; once I’m done for the day I don’t want to look 

Week Four and recipes galore!

Week Four and recipes galore!

Well I’m only posting one tonight, but my plan is to post multiple recipes this week since I’m trying to mix up our meals to combat boredom. As they say, “An idle mind is the devil’s playground” and we can’t have that, especially when we’re 

“Sea” shrimp disappear!

“Sea” shrimp disappear!

Happy New Decade! Wow, can you believe it.  Not only has the year flown by, but we’re in a new decade!  I’m so excited for some reason.  I think it’s because 2020 seemed so far off at one point and now, suddenly, it’s here.  I