Month: September 2018

Paninis, Pinot, and the Perfect Summer Night

Paninis, Pinot, and the Perfect Summer Night

I feel so lucky to live in America’s Finest City A.K.A San Diego. The weather is perfect, the people are friendly, the beaches are endless, the traffic isn’t bad (trust me I used to live and drive in LA, the traffic here isn’t bad.), and 

Pork , Peppers, and (you guessed it) Pinot

Pork , Peppers, and (you guessed it) Pinot

I didn’t grow up eating much pork.  When we did have pork it was in the form of bacon at breakfast or ham at Christmas.  Other than those two dishes mom didn’t really cook with the other white meat.  My hubby on the other hand 

Curried Cauliflower Power

Curried Cauliflower Power

Cauliflower has become quite the popular veggie lately.  It’s like it was that ugly duckling in junior high that grew into her height, got contact lenses, and came into freshman year like a boss!  I’ve been ricing it recently (another popular use), but wanted to 

Sweet (Lord Jesus) Potatoes

Sweet (Lord Jesus) Potatoes

If you know me then you know I go on cleanses a few times throughout the year when my body needs a reset.  These cleanses tend to happen after a nice long (over indulgent) vacation or as summer comes to an end since we celebrate 

Going bananas for bread

Going bananas for bread

Banana Bread Recipe One of the best things about living in San Diego is the ability to pretty much grow anything. We have a banana tree in the side yard that gets a ton of sun and stays warm since it’s tucked next to the