Month: June 2021

What day is it????

What day is it????

Come on you know it’s Tuesday so that means Tacos! Well for me a taco bowl, but still with all the yummy fixings. I went super San Diego style and used Butcher Box cod for the protein so it was tasty, but healthy and light 

Sunday Summer Supper

Sunday Summer Supper

I know it doesn’t feel like summer today if you’re in San Diego, but yesterday was the picture perfect sunny June day (no June gloom in yesterday’s forecast) so I was in the mood to make a light dish. I had a pork tenderloin defrosted 

All the “pastabilities” with summer salads

All the “pastabilities” with summer salads

Summertime is here and that means light, bright, and colorful dishes. We had friends this weekend and I kept things simple, which meant BBQ and pre-prepped dishes so I could spend quality time with them. Burgers and Brats (will all the fixings) were on the 

Monday’s Memorial Day Lineup

Monday’s Memorial Day Lineup

We had such a nice long Memorial Day weekend.  We got together with the family on Saturday and had a BBQ at a friend’s house Sunday (it was so great to give everyone hugs, finally!!), so Monday was just me and the hubs.  I had 

Taco Tuesday is on deck

Taco Tuesday is on deck

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Having that extra day off is so nice, but trying to squeeze in five days of work into four is no bueno. So I decided to make dinner easy for the first work day this week