Month: July 2019

Butcher Box Beef taste test!

Butcher Box Beef taste test!

Lately I’ve been reading a lot about our food sources, especially how our beef, chicken, and pork are fed, raised and processed. I’ve wanted to go grass fed and finished for a while now and even though we have multiple stores were I can find 

Where’s the beef?

Where’s the beef?

You know how much I love making chicken, fish, beef, burgers, etc., but every now and then (well I’m trying to aim for a few times a week) we go veggie. Now don’t get me wrong, going veggie doesn’t mean going less delicious or hearty, 

Summer, sun (finally!), and seabass.

Summer, sun (finally!), and seabass.

It’s finally feeling like summertime in San Diego! I thought we lost our picture perfect weather forever, but it’s peering it’s pretty head for the start of July. Funny enough, this time last year San Diego had searing hot temperatures, maybe that’s why we’re starting 

Yebra (no, not surfer slang I’m talking grape leaves)!

Yebra (no, not surfer slang I’m talking grape leaves)!

I love all things grape related.  I bet you thought I only enjoy the fruits of the vine, but oh no, my obsession doesn’t end at the bottom of the wine glass.  Surprise…..I love the grape leaves as well!  You may be thinking, “Grape leaves?