All the “pastabilities” with summer salads

All the “pastabilities” with summer salads

Summertime is here and that means light, bright, and colorful dishes. We had friends this weekend and I kept things simple, which meant BBQ and pre-prepped dishes so I could spend quality time with them. Burgers and Brats (will all the fixings) were on the 

A Quick Quiche…maybe

A Quick Quiche…maybe

I love quiches! With Mother’s Day last weekend I decided to make a traditional bacon and cheese quiche. I took a shortcut and bought premade pie dough from Trader Joe’s, since this was only one of the many dishes I was preparing. The night before 

Tasty Tomato Tart

Tasty Tomato Tart

Happy Friday and hooray for the weekend?!? Seriously, is anyone else totally confused about what day it is? At this point, aren’t the week and weekend running into one another? Minus the fact that I don’t have to work the weekends (not complaining here), they 

Meatless Monday, on a Tuesday (whoops, a day late!)

Meatless Monday, on a Tuesday (whoops, a day late!)

I’ve been meal prepping for the past few weeks and  most of the meals, well the lunch ones at least, have included chicken, pork, or beef as the main ingredient.  So I decided to cut back on the animal proteins and go with a vegetarian 

Week Four and recipes galore!

Week Four and recipes galore!

Well I’m only posting one tonight, but my plan is to post multiple recipes this week since I’m trying to mix up our meals to combat boredom. As they say, “An idle mind is the devil’s playground” and we can’t have that, especially when we’re 

Cursing into week three!

Cursing into week three!

Two weeks down and six more to go for the OTF transformation challenge. Food prep has been going well, and overall I feel better about how we’re eating during the week. I’ve been okay about not over indulging come the weekend, but I think I 

Bye week one, hello week two, look at you!

Bye week one, hello week two, look at you!

Well, we have one week under our belts for the OTF transformation challenge and the clean eating weekly program. I have to say that it actually went really well. I felt satisfied and full, as did the rest of the bunch. However I have to 

And so it begins….

And so it begins….

How is it already January 20th? The holidays are well behind us, work weeks are back in full swing, and resolutions have been made (some already broken) for the new decade. By this time of the year I’m always ready for a fresh start, and 

Creamy Dreamy Carrot Soup

Creamy Dreamy Carrot Soup

It’s fall again, again.  If you don’t remember about a month ago in San Diego we had a cold snap and I thought fall was here to stay.  Well, I thought wrong.  Just a week ago we had another scorcher of a day; people even 

Butcher Box BLATs!

Butcher Box BLATs!

Mmmmmm bacon. Is there anyone out there that doesn’t like bacon? Well, unless you are a vegetarian, I get that bacon is off limits for you, but for my meat eaters, who doesn’t drool when they smell the sizzle of bacon? I do love the