Month: July 2018

Summer’s bounty

Summer’s bounty

Summertime brings all things good in San Diego….sunshine, warm days, cool nights, and ripe ready delicious fruits and vegetables.  I feel so fortunate to live in a place where we can eat fresh and organic products year-round, but when summer arrives so do the best crops of 

A little pizza my heart…..

A little pizza my heart…..

  I know what you’re thinking, the name’s a little cheesey… but we’re talking about pizza! Pizza. Who doesn’t love pizza?!  What’s not to like, it’s the perfect combination of cheese, tomato sauce, cheese, carbs, cheese, veggies, meat….  did I mention cheese? It’s pretty much my 

It’s an egg-ceptional breakfast!

It’s an egg-ceptional breakfast!

I just love eggs. They are so versatile and can be prepared in many ways. Sometimes when I’ve had a long day at work and I’m not in the mood to cook up a full meal I make omelets for dinner. Omelets are almost the 

A taste of Kansas City in San Diego

A taste of Kansas City in San Diego

For those of you that don’t know, my hubby and I lived in Kansas City for a few years (well a few years for me – hubs was born there).  We both went to college at Kansas State University and lived in Overland Park for 

Let’s get down to business…the three P’s.

Let’s get down to business…the three P’s.

So for those of you who know me it comes as no surprise that I love Pinot Noir. And yes, I loved it before the movie Sideways came out and was happy that Pinot started getting the attention it deserved after the movie’s release.  However, 

Oven Roasted Chicken

Oven Roasted Chicken

This oven roasted chicken recipe is my go to, especially during the weekends.  There is nothing more simple and comforting than a whole roasted chicken.  It so versatile too, it can be changed up for every season by tweaking the ingredients and spice mixture.  For this 

Eggplant fries (healthy but no one has to know!)

Eggplant fries (healthy but no one has to know!)

I’m in love with eggplant.  Maybe it’s because of my Middle Eastern background, but my hubby loves it too and he’s totally not Middle Eastern so maybe eggplant is just that good.  There are so many ways one can prepare eggplant.  Personally I roast it, smoke it, puree it, 

What to do when life gives you lemons….make limoncello of course!

What to do when life gives you lemons….make limoncello of course!

Oh how I love lemons.  We have a very mature tree in our yard and she gives us lemons on the regular.  Like I’m overwhelmed with lemons, but thankfully I have many uses for them and I always give tons to my mom and friends 

Truffles anyone?  Yes please!

Truffles anyone? Yes please!

My internet obsessed shopping husband always has at least three packages arriving at our door step each week.  He always claims it’s something “for the house” in order to justify the expenditure (sure Greg, sure).  In a nice turn of events his latest purchase was