Tag: butcher box

What day is it????

What day is it????

Come on you know it’s Tuesday so that means Tacos! Well for me a taco bowl, but still with all the yummy fixings. I went super San Diego style and used Butcher Box cod for the protein so it was tasty, but healthy and light 

Sunday Summer Supper

Sunday Summer Supper

I know it doesn’t feel like summer today if you’re in San Diego, but yesterday was the picture perfect sunny June day (no June gloom in yesterday’s forecast) so I was in the mood to make a light dish. I had a pork tenderloin defrosted 

Monday’s Memorial Day Lineup

Monday’s Memorial Day Lineup

We had such a nice long Memorial Day weekend.  We got together with the family on Saturday and had a BBQ at a friend’s house Sunday (it was so great to give everyone hugs, finally!!), so Monday was just me and the hubs.  I had 

Taco Tuesday is on deck

Taco Tuesday is on deck

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Having that extra day off is so nice, but trying to squeeze in five days of work into four is no bueno. So I decided to make dinner easy for the first work day this week 

Ain’t no thing but a chicken wing!

Ain’t no thing but a chicken wing!

I get into this rut, or pattern, of always ordering the same appetizer when we eat out (I mean, when we used to eat out, pre Covid-19 ). For a while it was calamari, then it was ceviche, artichoke stepped in a few years ago, 

Kitchen sink polenta

Kitchen sink polenta

Hi there friends. Geeze…it’s been so long since I posted anything. You would have thought with this COVID 19 taking over our lives I would post more, but working from home’s got me blue; once I’m done for the day I don’t want to look 

Week Four and recipes galore!

Week Four and recipes galore!

Well I’m only posting one tonight, but my plan is to post multiple recipes this week since I’m trying to mix up our meals to combat boredom. As they say, “An idle mind is the devil’s playground” and we can’t have that, especially when we’re 

Cursing into week three!

Cursing into week three!

Two weeks down and six more to go for the OTF transformation challenge. Food prep has been going well, and overall I feel better about how we’re eating during the week. I’ve been okay about not over indulging come the weekend, but I think I 

Wine Wednesday on pause, but the weekend is almost here!

Wine Wednesday on pause, but the weekend is almost here!

We made it to the middle of the week! I can almost feel the weekend coming on. Normally I’d be looking forward to a wine Wednesday, but since we’re eating clean and not drinking during the week, my glass of wine will have to wait 

Fancy Flank Steak in a hurry

Fancy Flank Steak in a hurry

I love cooking. For those of you that know me personally, this comes as no surprise, and for those of you following my food posts and (hopefully) this blog, you’re starting to figure out my happy place is the kitchen (or working out, but that’s