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Santa Maria Tri (it) Tip

Santa Maria Tri (it) Tip

We love our Traeger Smoker.  We’ve had it for over 10 years and I’ve posted previous recipes using the Traeger as our cooking method of preference.  The smoker is wonderful, but it does require a lot of time to get that smoky ring and flavor 

A Quick Quiche…maybe

A Quick Quiche…maybe

I love quiches! With Mother’s Day last weekend I decided to make a traditional bacon and cheese quiche. I took a shortcut and bought premade pie dough from Trader Joe’s, since this was only one of the many dishes I was preparing. The night before 

Zooming away with virtual Happy Hours

Zooming away with virtual Happy Hours

Wow, who would have thought two months ago that our lives would change as drastically as they did? I, for one, did not. Even when COVID-19 initially came out, I brushed it off like it was no big deal. I figured it was the flu 

Little chicks aka Cornish Hens

Little chicks aka Cornish Hens

I grew up in a home where my mom was constantly cooking. As I’ve mentioned before, her traditional Syrian dishes were, and still are, my favorites, but she didn’t limit herself to Middle Eastern dishes. Cornish hens (aka little chicks) were always a staple we 

Tasty Tomato Tart

Tasty Tomato Tart

Happy Friday and hooray for the weekend?!? Seriously, is anyone else totally confused about what day it is? At this point, aren’t the week and weekend running into one another? Minus the fact that I don’t have to work the weekends (not complaining here), they 

Kitchen sink polenta

Kitchen sink polenta

Hi there friends. Geeze…it’s been so long since I posted anything. You would have thought with this COVID 19 taking over our lives I would post more, but working from home’s got me blue; once I’m done for the day I don’t want to look 

Savory Stuffed Peppers

Savory Stuffed Peppers

Growing up my mom cooked an array of meals, but I was most excited about food from her homeland Syria.  She would sprinkle in Syrian dishes when she had extra time on her hands since most recipes were time intensive.  I loved everything and anything 

Meatless Monday, on a Tuesday (whoops, a day late!)

Meatless Monday, on a Tuesday (whoops, a day late!)

I’ve been meal prepping for the past few weeks and  most of the meals, well the lunch ones at least, have included chicken, pork, or beef as the main ingredient.  So I decided to cut back on the animal proteins and go with a vegetarian 

Week Four and recipes galore!

Week Four and recipes galore!

Well I’m only posting one tonight, but my plan is to post multiple recipes this week since I’m trying to mix up our meals to combat boredom. As they say, “An idle mind is the devil’s playground” and we can’t have that, especially when we’re 

Got fish? Yup right down the street!

Got fish? Yup right down the street!

We love eating seafood and since we live in San Diego places to buy fresh fish are bountiful. We hit different markets depending where we are for the day, but I was just told (thank you Nancy!) about a new market that has opened literally