A little more about me

Hi Friends!
I wanted to do a short (non-food) post to talk a bit more about me and why I decided to start this food blog in the first place. For those that do know me, I’m sure it’s come as no surprise that I decided to leap into the food posting “business.” I’ve always enjoyed cooking and posting pics of my creations to Instagram and Facebook, so formalizing my day to day culinary “adventures” into a food blog was really the next step.
Of course my other, actually probably my favorite, obsession is wine. I remember my dad enjoying a nice bottle of wine while I was growing up. He would pick out a bottle, read the year (commenting on how it was drinking), open it, and pour a glass. He’d begin the tasting process by swirling, sniffing, then taking a sip, usually commenting on how big, smooth, or easy drinking the bottle was. I just watched him, wondering how anyone could be so moved by wine. I mean it’s just alcohol, or so I thought, but then again I was drinking Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill. Obviously I was wrong, and potentially a little too young to be enjoying the fine “nuances” of Bonne’s farm or any other alcohol for that matter.
Fast forward to my junior year in college, when my parents and uncle (who is also a wine aficionado) decided to come for a visit. We planned on going to a football game, hitting up our local watering hole, and touring my alma mater. I remember coming back to my apartment for a short break and dad brought a bottle of wine for us to share (spoiler alert -it wasn’t Strawberry Hill). The wine was a merlot. Yes a merlot; people actually willingly drank merlot. It wasn’t just any merlot, even though it was years ago I still remember the bottle, Kenwood Merlot Artist Series 1994. My dad poured all of us a glass and we said cheers since our football team won and there still wasn’t any snow on the ground (making my mom particularly happy). I don’t know what changed in me that day, but all of a sudden I got it. I tasted what my dad had been saying all those years. I didn’t have any fancy words to describe what I was tasting, I still don’t for that matter, but it was a moving experience. Granted it wasn’t an immediate transition from Boone’s Farm or Red Bull Vodkas, but I started understanding that alcohol was something to appreciate, not just to chug-a-lug for a good time #college.
Today wine and food are part of my daily existence. Well, maybe the wine isn’t always daily, but I immensely enjoy both. I’m so happy that my dad poured me that glass of merlot those long years ago because it has brought me to this point in my life. Who knew that wine would move me in my current direction? That little glass helped turn me into someone who loves to cook, entertain, eat, drink wine and enjoy life! So cheers to merlot and to my dad who made me the wine and food lover I am today!