Stoked for Smoked Salmon

Stoked for Smoked Salmon

I’ve had a love hate relationship with salmon. Initially when I tried salmon I thought it tasted too fishy, too strong, and just too salmony (is that a word?). It seemed like everyone was touting its benefits though; rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, great source 

Stuffed mushrooms

Stuffed mushrooms

I have to admit my obsession with mushrooms runs deep.  I love those little fungi and incorporate them weekly into my menus.  I usually keep it simple by sautéing them in a little olive oil, or truffle butter on decadent days, then add salt, pepper 

Chimichurri Sauce

Chimichurri Sauce

Chimichurri in a hurry! On a recent trip to Temecula Wine Country we came across a winemaker that not only made wine, but also produced Chimichurri Sauce.  I must say the Chimichurri was better than the wine and we actually went home with a jar 

Paninis, Pinot, and the Perfect Summer Night

Paninis, Pinot, and the Perfect Summer Night

I feel so lucky to live in America’s Finest City A.K.A San Diego. The weather is perfect, the people are friendly, the beaches are endless, the traffic isn’t bad (trust me I used to live and drive in LA, the traffic here isn’t bad.), and 

Making scallops just for the halibut! (Pun intended)

Making scallops just for the halibut! (Pun intended)

Since we moved to San Diego about 20 years ago (geeze, where does the time go!) we began eating more and more seafood.  Seafood is readily available here and we have some of the best fish markets around.  Our go-to for the freshest fish in 

You don’t eat no meat?!?!?  It’s okay, I make lamb!

You don’t eat no meat?!?!? It’s okay, I make lamb!

Every time I watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding it totally cracks me up.  For those of you that haven’t seen it please give it a watch because the title of this post will then make total sense to you and the movie is just hilarious 

Entertaining on a Whim!

Entertaining on a Whim!

My  hubby and I entertain a lot, by a lot I mean like nearly every weekend, and at many times it’s spur of the moment.  I always keep certain items on hand so we’re actually prepared for company and put out a spread that makes everyone 

Fresh Tomato Bruschetta

Fresh Tomato Bruschetta

Tomato bruschetta is one of the easiest appetizers to throw together and is so delicious especially in the summer months when everything is in season.  I like to slice the bread and rub it with a garlic clove that I cut in half before toasting